Aug 8, 2016

Frozen Lemonade

Frozen drinks tend to make these hot summer months more bearable, so what better than a really quick and easy frozen drink?

Seriously. Two ingredients, 3 tops.

Frozen Lemonade - 5 minutes - Serves two
What you need:
- 1 1/2 cups lemonade (I used Herbert's! Homemade would be amazing, too!)
- 1 cup ice

What to do:
1. Add ice and lemonade to blender and blend until slushy!
And that's it! We all know I love those quick and easy recipes, and I don't think this could be any quicker or any easier. Because when you're entertaining at a pool party, or just hot and tired, you don't want to stand around all day making something to cool you down!
Adding some fruit or fruit puree would also be great!

If you try this out or have a yummy frozen drink recipe, be sure to share it with us to try!

Stay cool!

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